
About Alex Andrews George

Till I find a better way of writing intro for me, what I have before you is a short version of my resume’.

  1. A graduate engineer like many millions in the  country. Technologist seems a better word as my graduation stream was Bio-Technology.
  2. A few years of Information Technology experience as Database Administrator and Web Designer.
  3. Master Brain (read founder) of around 10 web-projects. Main blogger in all those.
  4. Author of a book (a technical one, for beginners to build websites).
  5. Technology columnist in a magazine.
  6. Jack-of-all-trades stuff : Basic subject knowledge in multiple areas to, at times, handle roles of a  teacher and trainer.
  7. Interests : Economics, Society, Genetics, Ethics, Web etc.

In-case, if any of your interests overlaps with mine, you can always let me know at my social profile ids. Though I may not add strangers, I won’t stop you from following me 🙂

Social Profiles : Google | Facebook

About this blog : AlexAndrewsGeorge.com

  • Philosophical and self help oriented with positive thoughts and quotes.
  • Self-expression platform (‘Self help’ got new meaning, it seems!).

Why this blog:

Life is a complex journey where we often get stuck up without knowing which way to proceed. It can happen to all humans. We may often get perplexed by the new turns life takes us. All we have is a pretty short life, each day split into 24 hours. And to make it simple, what we can do is to make the best out of it.

Though not an expert to teach anyone the truth of life, I am just using this blog platform to interact with my fellow humans who share similar/dissimilar thoughts.

This is just a platform to express my random personal thoughts. But not all quotes shared in this blog belong to me.

—-Regards, Alex.

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